Happiness :)


"Happiness never goes out of style"

Happiness is so magical that we feel happy when we see people cheerful and joyful. Amazingly, the role models to emulate to be cheerful are children. Unfortunately, as we grow older, we tend to be more and more serious. If only one realises the value of being cheerful, one would like to be so. 

Let us cheer up with some salient aspects of being happy and cheerful.

  • The age-old saying 'Aanandho Brahma' (to be happy is to be divine) is very true. Not only that, the Islamic saying, 'Happiness is not destination, its a way of life'. Happiness in our religion is an inner feeling, an inner power, a grace of God and heartfelt peace and purity. A Biblical saying, 'A merry heart doeth good like medicine' is very scientific, because laughing stimulates production of adrenaline, which releases endorphins in the brain. These foster relaxation and even reduce pain. Research shows that cheerfulness and happiness increases longevity. The healing ability of laughter is well known and is now recognised medically too. 

Many hospitals in the USA have employed laughing nurses whose duty is to visit the patients and induce laughter to them for some time. This laughter therapy is found to help the patients recover fast. 

A cheerful person is generally liked by all and therefore, he/she naturally becomes popular in any gathering. Not many know that a smile takes us miles ahead in our interpersonal relationship. Perhaps the only thing that ensures 100% return with interest, almost simultaneously is 'smile' indeed. 

A smile requires only 4 muscles to be moved whereas frowning needs 16. But still many do not know how to be cheerful, sadly. Undoubtedly, one can alter one's life by altering the attitude of one's mind.

Here are a few tips:
  • Stand in front of a mirror and smile with your eyes. It reduces your seriousness greatly.
  • To be ever smiling, value the other person.
  • DO WHAT YOU LOVE. If already late, love what you do, make it interesting so that you love it.
  • Accept the past, don't brood over it. 
  • Be optimistic with positive thinking.
  • Surround yourself with happy people who spread positive vibes.
  • When you get up from the bed, say this to yourself: "I shall be cheerful throughout the day today." Then frequently remind yourself: 'only fools frown. to be cheerful is to be wonderful'.
Remember, our dress is never complete without an enchanting smile. So, let us be cheerful, joyful and blissful to be wonderful.

This is my first blog, hope it helped you all. Comment down anything and I would be glad to read them. :)))


  1. That was beautiful. Thank you for pointing out how important it is to let go of the part. I really really really loved it. And that's only the first post ever!! I can't wait to keep reading your future posts.

  2. Very good message about happiness, keep writing such informative articles.

  3. MaashaAllah you weaved magic with your beautiful words. Keep writing ✍

  4. Excellent way of presentation and good message. Keep writing .. Btw. One question from me. How to smile with eyes (infront of mirror) ?

    1. Thank you so much. Many people fake smile, their hearts aren't happy. So, to smile with eyes is to smile with a feeling which is happiness.

  5. Really great with your first one! Keep it up!

  6. Maashallah Your positivity is infectious
    After reading this ... You spark so much joy in my life

  7. Attracting a loads of positivity..Keep going gurl!

  8. Mashallah
    Nice message
    May Allah bless you with much happiness in both worlds

  9. Isn't there more comin' up soon???? Love it!


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